yield farming vs staking

Yield farming is a passive investment style that can be done by users with an already existing portfolio of cryptocurrencies. It involves the active search for multiple companies that offer a daily ROI on specific cryptocurrency balances and performs manual re-investment of those funds into a different company’s wallet address every day, however, it also requires them to store their private keys in centralized locations such as exchanges or wallets for greater security which reduces the point of doing this activity since it introduces several dependencies. Staking is more secure compared to yield farming as it doesn’t require you to leave your private keys in a centralized location. However, the trade-off is that it requires much more involvement on the user’s part – so if you have an interest in doing all this work then you should definitely go with staking!

Currently, users are able to stake their favorite projects simply by leaving their funds in the project’s wallet address – but how does this process even work? Essentially what happens is that these wallets can be either open or closed source, based solely on the developers’ wishes. If they are open source then 3rd parties could intentionally insert malicious code into them. This hasn’t happened yet but many crypto investors remain skeptical towards open-source wallets because of this fact; however, closed source wallets might also contain backdoors where developers could be stealing a portion of staking rewards without the community knowing. This is not a good situation for any project which relies on its users trusting them, regardless of whether it’s open-source or closed source – but fortunately, there are other options out there.

To combat this issue (of possible theft) speakers can take advantage of trusted hardware devices to store their private keys instead; which greatly reduces the likelihood of getting hacked. The best part is that if you already own one then you’re all set! There are several devices out there ranging from physical hardware wallets like Trezor/Ledger (which also supports staking) to dedicated servers that can be bought pre-loaded with software wallets supporting many different cryptocurrencies; both methods have their strengths and weaknesses.

Even though there are many great advantages to staking, yield farming can be considered a bit more “scam proof” due to the fact that it doesn’t require users to trust anyone. If you’re someone who likes managing your own portfolio then this could potentially benefit you! It is important to note however that neither of these methods is truly scam proof since they both involve some type of risk – but overall, if done correctly then you can reap rewards through either method!

     As we know, investing in crypto is a balance of risk and reward; we must decide how much we are willing to take on (risk) and what the potential payout will be (reward). With any investment, there will always be an element of risk that can be mitigated by choosing the right investments.

             There are a number of ways we can go about investing and diversifying our holdings: some people stick with one currency, while others spread their portfolio across a large variety of cryptocurrencies – both approaches have their merits. Here we will focus on two types of investment strategies available to cryptocurrency investors.

             Yield farming is the practice of holding various different currencies in the hope of generating a passive income. The goal of yield farming is to produce coins on a regular basis, without having to do anything; it’s like getting paid for doing nothing – but you can’t sit back and relax since there are still responsibilities with yield farming.

             Staking (proof-of-stake) is an alternative approach to yielding coins that has you actively hold on to a certain amount of coins for a period of time in order to earn more. Here we will break down these two different approaches and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each over the other.

     * Disclaimer: Never invest more than you can afford to lose! We are not responsible for any losses that may occur from using our content.

                         Yield farming

            There are many different, staking and lending programs available to cryptocurrency investors; however yield farming is not necessarily concerned with gains; but rather providing a passive income, in the form of coins you might not necessarily own in order to keep your investment strategy diverse. This method is ideal for people who are not investing to take advantage of the price increase in any particular coin – but simply investing because they believe in the technology behind it.

             The idea with yield farming is to generate coins (in most cases) every day or at various set periods of time, and all you have to do is hold on to the coins you are being paid in.

                 However, yield farming is not as simple as it sounds; there are certain responsibilities that come with this approach. First off, yield farming requires a large number of different holdings. There is no specific strategy for what cryptocurrencies to invest in since there are many approaches – but some people prefer to go after coins that have higher profits/interest rates, while others will choose “proof-of-stake” coins since they are less risky. You can also do both! It’s important to remember that the idea behind yield farming is not necessarily to see an increase in the price of your holdings, but rather to try and diversify your portfolio with interests across different platforms.


                     The biggest challenge with yield farming is that it can be a time-consuming activity. You will need to check on your coins every day/week/month depending on the rate they are generating coins and where you put these coins in order to keep track of them. This is why some people prefer using “auto-trading bots” or “staking clients” which allow them to sit back and let their holdings do the work for them while monitoring from a distance – but there are some risks associated with those as well.


             Unlike yield farming, staking involves investing directly into a specific coin that offers interest rates at certain intervals or after a specific amount of time has passed – on your own instead of investing into a fund which would be the equivalent to yield farming. Once you invest in staking, you’ll be entitled to your portion of profits generated by that particular coin; however, unlike yield farming, these coins will still belong to you and can be traded accordingly at any given time.

                     Staking represents a more active approach since it requires you to maintain involvement in the process and keep track of how much interest accrued (if there is any). The idea behind staking is that if you hold on to your coins for a longer period of time not only will the value increase due to scarcity but also because you will receive interest payments as well. It’s like having your cake and eating it too. However, there are certain risks associated with staking that are not involved in yield farming. For one, staking requires that you have a direct possession of the coins you are generating interest on. This is because your involvement in the process will directly affect the profits generated by this activity.

                 For example, if you invest in an altcoin and forget to check on it for say 7 months, you could be missing out on huge opportunities – since coins require monitoring every once in a while to make sure they are producing interest at their designated rates, otherwise users would not receive any interest at all! Staking coins can increase or decrease depending on how often they are checked upon; if there is no user interaction then the coin will stop staking until someone resumes its status.

                     Another risk associated with staking is that even if you take all the necessary precautions, it cannot be guaranteed that an attack will not occur. Even if you invest in a trusted coin/platform such as Decred (DCR) and monitor its blockchain every day like clockwork, hackers could still find a way to exploit your wallet address and steal your coins – despite using the best security practices. However overwhelming this may sound, there are some things users can do to decrease these risks- one of which is only investing in well-established altcoins.

                 The main advantages of staking cryptocurrencies directly include predictability and profitability among other things, mainly stemming from the fact that user interest rates are predetermined at the onset. With yield farming, investments aren’t guaranteed interest rates since the funds are shared among multiple users – if demand exceeds supply for whatever reason then the profits generated would be cut across all users regardless of how much they invested.

                However, these activities are not completely foolproof or even close to it. For one, there are many aspects at play that could put your assets at risk regardless of your best efforts. If you invest in a coin and lose access to its wallet address because you forgot your private keys, 2FA/multisig is disabled or lost altogether. You can also unknowingly send funds to a scammer’s wallet address due to phishing scams which make them nearly impossible to detect beforehand leading to huge losses! Users can also lose their funds if there is a bug in the coin’s code that allows hackers to exploit its vulnerabilities and steal users’ private keys (which is why it’s important to keep updated on your holdings as often as possible).

                     Another risk associated with either yield farming or staking is that these activities require some degree of trust placed on you by the platform where you are investing. If the company goes bankrupt before distributing profits, then there would be no way for you to receive any form of compensation – not only that but if they disappear without paying out all user investments then those users will lose access to their money. This was very common during the rise and fall of big altcoin exchanges back in 2017; since altcoins weren’t as popular back then and there was no regulation in place, hackers and thieves exploited this opportunity and stole millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency.

Currently, cryptocurrency exchanges are having to implement more stringent measures in order to protect users from these types of attacks; but it’s certain that there will still be similar attacks occurring in the future.

                All things considered, both yield farming and staking offer benefits to users. If you like the idea of potentially earning interest on your money without having to do anything then investing in staking platforms would suit you best – whereas yield farmers who enjoy managing their money can reap rewards through yield farming since doing so involves much more hands-on involvement than staking. Despite this fact though, users should not place all their eggs in one basket due to the risk associated with both activities – so diversification is key! Overall, if you invest wisely then either of these active income generation methods could potentially benefit you.