More and more decentralized organizations emerge. For decentralized SEO you can see decentralized platforms like Hash Rush , Decentralized News Network or Steemit .
What are decentralized organizations? How do they work? What impact could decentralized organization have on our work of marketing, especially for decentralized seo? Let’s look into that!
According to Wikipedia decentralized organizations are characterized by their use of blockchain technology to manage all the organizational processes, including marketing. As said in Steemit articles decentralized organizations represent a new way of creating companies without hierarchical management structures, with transparency and self-management between employees, shareholders or users who take advantage of blockchain technologies. This means decentralized organizations will almost completely eliminate the middle type structure which exists today in traditional companies. Steemit decentralized organization is decentralized in three fundamental ways:
– There are no central authorities that control the platform or community (no CEO or board of directors)
– There are no middle managers, each user can interact directly with other users
– All decisions are made by all users through a consensus process (everyone has equal say in how it should be managed). That said decentralized SEO organizations have similarities to smart contracts.
Smart contracts are computer programs that are capable of facilitating, executing, and enforcing the negotiation or performance of an agreement using blockchain technology. And decentralized SEO platforms use smart contracts for decentralized operations for their decentralized SEO services. For example, Hash Rush ICO explained that token holders will receive profit share which is decentralized SEO payment for the decentralized platform.
As you can see decentralized organization is decentralized marketing where decentralized community determines its future. What decentralized SEO marketing opportunities could it bring? But first of all the decentralized marketing strategy will need to be adopted by new decentralized organizations in different fields.
For example, Steemit first decentralized social network that rewards users with the platform’s own cryptocurrency called STEEM has first implemented a decentralized advertisement system. This means there are no advertisement managers but decentralized community itself approval and disapprove each submission if they want to advertise on this blockchain based media platform. In a smart contract, you can define conditions that users should meet in order to be able to submit their post/vote/comment, etc. The same process goes for decentralized platforms like Hash Rush or Decentralized News Network decentralized SEO network.
This decentralized organization’s decentralized marketing strategy could be applied in decentralized search engines and decentralized video platform fields. And the decentralized organization of a decentralized search engine makes sense because it is a decentralized system of systems and each element has its own identity and value linked to one another with smart contracts rules which are implemented through blockchain technologies.
So if we consider decentralized SEO as a smart contract, where webmasters get paid for their contributions into the decentralized search then decentralization can’t exist without community approval.
Decentralized videos platforms like DNN would get benefits from the same approach due to the huge amount of daily produced content which requires some kind of reviewing process before publishing it on the website.
The reason why more and more organizations choose the decentralized organization decentralized SEO approach is because the decentralized community has no borders or limits that mean a decentralized platform can get users from different countries, regions and decentralized organization decentralized marketing strategy means decentralized SEO services like promotion, reviews, etc. would be easier to get.
So decentralized organizations will change the way we do decentralized SEO marketing and the way we work in the future. DNN is now running a crowdfunding campaign with its own token called DNN tokens which are used as a payment method on the platform for decentralized editorial services including decentralized SEO services.
Thanks to Steemit success many new blockchain based media platforms already exist putting decentralization into practice as well as decentralized social networks. So there are plenty of opportunities for smart steemians who want to earn decentralized SEO payment in the decentralized marketing decentralized organization.
Hi, my name is Lin,
I’m the campaign manager at advalley
sharing my insights and experience from
helping Blockchain Technologies grow online.
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